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Tired At Your Desk All Day? These Mindless Office Habits Are Secretly Making You Feel WORSE

Tired At Your Desk All Day? These Mindless Office Habits Are Secretly Making You Feel WORSE

We all know that sitting at a desk all day is bad for our health, but did you know that there are plenty of other office habits that might be making it even worse? Keep reading to learn more!


You already know that spending hours upon hours at the office is slowly sucking the life out of you.

Sitting in a chair for eight hours, staring at a bright screen, every single day is bad for your body and your soul.

But as it turns out, there are actually plenty of terrible office habits that are ruining your health even more than you already thought—and you might not even realize you’re doing them!

If you want to make a healthy lifestyle change, then it’s time to kick these mindless office habits to the curb:

  1. Leaning your face on your hand: Having terrible breakouts lately? Blame your desk (and your hands)! You probably don’t notice all the gross things you touch at your desk every day—keyboard, cell phone, snacks, etc. But when you touch your chin and cheeks constantly, you’re transferring all those oils straight to your face.
  2. Eating a depressing desk lunch: Stop working on your lunch break! It’s called a “break” for a reason. Your mind and body need this time to do something else, even if it’s only for 30 minutes or so. Not only does research show that this kind of multitasking is totally inefficient, but you’re just making yourself feel worse in the process. Do yourself a favor and take a real break!
  3. Slouching in your chair: If you thought your health couldn’t possibly any get worse after sitting at a desk all day, think again. Research shows that slouching at your desk will destroy your posture and negatively impact your mood throughout the day. It may be hard at first, but try to be aware of how you’re sitting. You’d be surprised to see just how much better you feel just by straightening your posture!   ##MN_RESP##
  4. Crossing your legs: According to Yahoo! Health, crossing your legs while you sit increases both neck and back pain, and also elevates your blood pressure. If you can manage it, sitting with your feet flat on the floor and your knees and feet at a 90-degree angle is always the ideal seated position.

Do you have any other tips to add? Tell us in the comments!