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If You Want To Lose Weight, Keep These Ingredients AWAY From Your Smoothie

If You Want To Lose Weight, Keep These Ingredients AWAY From Your Smoothie

Are you a beginner in the art of smoothie making? Here's everything you need to know to make a smoothie that isn't secretly a candy bar.


A liquid lunch—a smoothie, not the other kind—could be a great way for you to get a lot of nutrients for not that many calories.

But a lot of people end up sabotaging this meal by adding sugary ingredients that it doesn’t need. So if you’re making smoothies for weight loss, not just for a tasty treat, stay away from these ingredients.

  1. Whey protein. This protein is great for a snack before or after a session of getting the gains, but for weight loss it’s a bust. Whey protein has inflammatory properties and can leave you unnecessarily bloated. Stick to plant protein powder.
  2. Fruit juice. I know, it makes your smoothies so But that’s because it’s loaded with way more sugar than any whole fruit.
  3. Too much good stuff. If you’re looking for a smoothie with healthy fats, avocado and nut butter are your best friends. But just remember: one serving isn’t as big as you think. One-fifth of an avocado is considered a serving, so a whole avocado can add up fast.
  4. Ice cream/sherbet. Adding these to a smoothie, or getting a smoothie at a smoothie bar that contains them, turns your “healthy” smoothie into dessert immediately. There’s too much sugar to warrant it if you’re trying to lose weight.   ##MN_RESP##
  5. Canned fruit. Fruit from a can comes with sugary syrups to preserve it. If you’re going to go for fruit that isn’t fresh, stick to frozen fruit, which has just as many nutrients, sometimes more.
  6. Flavored yogurt. Greek yogurt—the plain stuff—is great for a smoothie. But if you get the flavored stuff, especially with honey or added fruit, you’re just getting sugar you don’t really need.

Are you guilty of using any of these in your smoothie?

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