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This Woman Lost Over 100 Pounds NATURALLY! Check Out Her Healthy Tips!

This Woman Lost Over 100 Pounds NATURALLY! Check Out Her Healthy Tips!

Losing 100 pounds sounds impossible without some kind of surgery, right? Well, this woman did it! Read more to find out how!


Roxie McGilberry used to be 312 pounds.

She grew up in the South, to parents that are overweight. She says she used to eat cake for breakfast, and had a complete lack of self-control when it came to food.

She didn’t change her habits as an adult, and by the time she had her child, she was 312 pounds.

So one day, after realizing she couldn’t fit well in chairs anymore, she decided to turn things around.

She and her husband joined a gym, and started going four days per week. With a combination of cardio and strength training, she found a workout plan she liked.

Then, she started tracking her meals with a fitness app, and instead of crash dieting like she used to, she started eating more reasonable portions. She cut sugar, added whole grains, baked chicken instead of frying it, and filled her diet with water, fruits, and veggies.

And now she’s lost over 100 pounds, only through diet and exercise!

She says losing the weight has made her less anxious and depressed, and that working out with her husband has given them opportunities to bond that they didn’t have before.

What are her tips? ##MN_RESP##

She allows herself one cheat meal per week, so that eating healthy doesn’t drive her crazy. If you have an unhealthy diet, this may be your key to transitioning to a better one.

She weighs herself daily. Though your weight fluctuates on a daily basis, it’s easier to keep yourself accountable if you weigh yourself as much as you can handle.

Take measurements, too. If you need another way to measure your progress, measuring waist or thigh circumference can sometimes be a better marker. This is especially true when you work out a lot, since exercise will change your body’s shape, even if the scale remains the same.

One more tip? She keeps track of her progress on Instagram, where she now has over 30,000 followers! You can follow her to see how she maintains her weight loss!

What do you think of this woman’s weight loss story?

Photo Copyright © 2015 roxi_fitness/Instagram