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Here's What Your Dreams Are Trying To Tell You About Your Life

Do you dream vividly? If you do, your dreams may be trying to tell you something! Find out what it is!


Are you someone who dreams vividly, and remembers them?

Then maybe you call up a good friend and say “I had the weirdest dream!”

Well, these dreams may say a lot more about you than you think.

Depth psychology, developed by Carl Jung, can help you really understand your dreams. A lot of times, they could be telling you things that you already know, but could just be ignoring without realizing it.

Of course, there are other ways to influence your own dreams, and other ways to read them. But here are some common dream themes, and some common ways to interpret them.

Pregnancy. Dreaming of pregnancy can mean that you’re going to a figurative rebirth, that you have something new going on that’s changing you for the better.

Death. These are similar to dreams about pregnancy, in that some part of your personality or life is dying and making way for a new direction in life.

Ex-partners. If an ex appears in your dream, it may represent the part of yourself that your ex brought out in you, whether it’s good or bad. It’s reflective, it doesn’t mean you want them back.

School or work. These dreams are all about acceptance, since work and school are often places that we feel we need to change parts of ourselves to fit in. These dreams may mean that we’re afraid to show people who we really are.

Food. No, you’re not hungry. Unless, that is, you went to bed without dinner. This could be about something in your life that’s making you hungry. Maybe you’re too absorbed in work and are hungry for new experiences. Maybe you’re in a dead-end relationship and you’re hungry for change. These dreams are great for self-reflection.

Losing your teeth. This is one of the most common dream themes, one that’s been documented all over the world. When we lose our teeth as children, it’s a sign of growth. You’re moving from childhood to adolescence. If you’re dreaming of losing your teeth, it may be that you’re going through a change so large that it’s making you really anxious. Don’t worry! You’ll get through it!

Which of these dreams have you had?