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You'll LOVE This Green Juice Recipe From Madonna's Trainer!

If you're looking for a juice recipe from one of the leading experts in health and fitness, look no further! This juice is sure to get you feeling refreshed!


Do you need a juice that will kick your self confidence, energy, and mood up a notch?

Great news! Madonna’s personal trainer has the PERFECT juice!

Nicole Winhoffer is a dancer and a trainer to the stars, including Madonna and Stella McCartney. She’s been through the same food struggles that we have, and she told Opening Ceremony about it.

“In the past I struggled with my weight for a while. Food is the easiest thing for someone to get their hands on because it is instant gratification,” she says. “Your body remembers how you were raised as a child and your eating patterns, so to me food became a reward…I would eat barely any calories and I would control my body by telling myself, ‘I’m not hungry, I’m not hungry.’ I just cut off all of my primitive basic instincts. Eventually, I re-taught myself when I was hungry.”

Wow! She’s really an example for all of us.

But she also gave Opening Ceremony an awesome juice recipe that’s full of leafy greens and fibrous fruits and veggies.

This juice is low in sugar and is anti-inflammatory, meaning that it will leave you feeling clean and happy, and with the kind of awesome, inspiring self-confidence that Nicole Winhoffer has in spades. Enjoy it when you need a pick-me-up, whether it’s from a hangover or just a long day.

She calls it the #LoveYourself juice, and it’s beautifully simple:


  • Romaine lettuce
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Ginger
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3-4 sticks of celery
  • 2 apples


  • Chop ingredients
  • Put in juicer and combine until smooth.

What do you think of this juice recipe? Will you try it?

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