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Good For You? Bad For You? Find Out The Truth About These 6 Foods!

Good For You? Bad For You? Find Out The Truth About These 6 Foods!

It seems like there are a few foods that are always up for debate. Are they healthy? Are they damaging? Read more to find out what we think.


Chocolate is good for you. Chocolate is bad for you.

Drink a cup of coffee per day. Never EVER drink coffee.

It seems like there are differing opinions from every angle.

So what’s the truth? Let’s look at all of the facts we have and try to come to a conclusion.

  1. Soy products. This milk substitute is great for people who are lactose intolerance, especially as a source of protein. But processed soy foods have been shown to be quite a bit less healthy than whole soy products, so try to stick to the whole stuff.
  2. Milk. This dairy product can be a great source of calcium, potassium, and vitamin D, but the truth is, there are tons of sources for that out there. If you’re lactose intolerant (which more and more adults are these days), there’s no need to force this down just to get your nutrients. And if you do love milk, stick to organic milk, as it has more nutrients.
  3. Red wine. The trick to drinking red wine for health reasons is to actually drink it for health reasons. 5 ounces of red wine per day can help you get the most out of its flavonols. Any more, and you’re on the way to typical alcohol-induced weight gain.
  4. Eggs. These guys are a little high in cholesterol but also super-high in nutrients. If your diet is pretty low in cholesterol anyway, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying eggs on a regular basis. They’re full of protein and essential vitamins and minerals.
  5. Coffee. If you’re a regular coffee drinker, don’t worry, it doesn’t look like coffee can do much to hurt you in moderation. It’s full of antioxidants and can lower your risk of diabetes. But if you’re not a coffee drinker, don’t be in a rush to try it. You can get these antioxidants from other sources. For both groups, look out for some of caffeine’s side effects, like anxiety and depression. That’s where the danger of coffee lies.
  6. Chocolate. This stuff can be great for heart health, as long as you eat it in moderation and you eat the darkest stuff you can handle. This means 60% or more cocoa, and about an ounce of it per day.

As you can see, it’s not really about whether or not the food is healthy for everyone, but more about whether it’s healthy for you.

Which of these foods do you enjoy?

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