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Heal Your Cuts And Scrapes Faster With These Natural Treatments!

Heal Your Cuts And Scrapes Faster With These Natural Treatments!

Tired of all those medicated creams and chemical-ridden ointments? Nature has some great treatments for your scrapes and minor cuts!


If you suffer a minor cut or scrape, there’s a feeling in this day and age that it should be treated with some kind of healing cream that’s expensive and full of medication.

But our bodies are built to heal these cuts and scrapes, and all we really have to do is help them out. So here are a few things that could help heal that cut or scrape. You may already have laying around anyway.

  • Honey. Honey is one of those foods that’s been used for healing all through history. Egyptians in 2000 BC are even recorded as using it for healing wounds. Honey is full of healing properties, like antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It prevents scarring and leaves skin soft. You may need a special medical honey to get all of these benefits, in order to prevent infection.
  • Lavender oil. This stuff is great not only for aromatherapy, but for your minor scrapes, too. You can apply it directly to your wounds and benefit from its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. ##MN_RESP##
  • Cayenne pepper. Sound scary? It’s understandable, but this spicy stuff actually is great for cuts. Sprinkle some in a wound and wrap a bandage around it to get the soothing properties. Cayenne is great for clotting blood and dulling the nerve endings that cause pain. Of course, this is for minor cuts. Anything that you think may need a stitch should be treated in the ER.
  • Tea tree oil. Not only is it great for your hair and face, but it’s good for cuts, too. It’s antibacterial, and will help you reduce inflammation in the cut and speed up its healing time.
  • Chamomile. Great for sleepytime tea, and great for healing. The flavonoids and essential oils in chamomile help treat just about anything, from hemorrhoids to burns to minor cuts and sores.

What natural remedies do you use for your cuts and scrapes?