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This Easy Routine Will Help You De-Stress In 7 Minutes Or Less

This Easy Routine Will Help You De-Stress In 7 Minutes Or Less

Don't let your job and your life burn you out. Try this short routine that will help you reduce your chronic stress and keep it under control.


Are you desperate to unwind but you just can’t figure out how? High levels of stress can increase your risk of disease and even make you gain weight.

This process, developed by a stress management expert and given to Prevention magazine, may be able to help you start relaxing.

There are seven steps. Here they are, in their most basic forms: ##MN_RESP##

  1. Unplug. From everything, not just your electronics. Shut out all outside forces and stressors and be in a quiet place that you can focus inward.
  2. Breathe deeply. This is what yoga breathing is all about. Breathing consciously, in through your nose and out through your mouth, can help lower your blood pressure and heart rate, and release a lot of muscle tension.
  3. Observe your surroundings and yourself. Take some time to pay attention to what your body is doing and how it’s functioning. Then, take in your environment and what’s making it relaxing for you. Do this for a minute.
  4. Report these findings to yourself. You’ve observed yourself and your surroundings, now report them, either out loud of silently to yourself.
  5. Adjust accordingly. Maybe you reported to yourself that your ankles were uncomfortable when they were crossed that way. Fix them. Maybe you were holding tension in your shoulders. Release it.
  6. Visualize a better you. At this point, think about how you would feel if you were perfectly re-energized. Visualize it and breathe.
  7. Conclude your meditation. Take stock of your session, criticize constructively, and create a plan for going forward.

This should take no more than 5-7 minutes. If you do this several times a week, you can be on your way to reducing your chronic stress.

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