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Beat Bad Breath With FOR GOOD These Simple Tips!

Beat Bad Breath With FOR GOOD These Simple Tips!

Are you tired of having morning breath and popping mints on the regular? Here's how to beat that bad breath for good!


Do you know how to get rid of bad breath? It’s not as simple as popping in a mint, or even just brushing your teeth, or none of us would have it.

As it turns out, most of what causes bad breath comes from the back of your mouth, and all over your tongue.

The cause of bad breath is a group of substrates called “volatile sulfur compounds.”  They come from the interaction of oral bacteria in the nooks and crannies in your teeth and tongue.

These compounds have the most time to build up at night, which is what makes morning breath so common.

So how do you beat this persistent bad breath? It’s easy with a simple, three-step attack plan.

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. You already do this, probably. This just helps you remove buildup from your teeth that could become part of those sulfur compounds.
  2. Clean your tongue. Tongue scraping is on the rise nowadays, and it may just be the best dental hygiene trend to ever happen to us. Brushing your teeth with a toothbrush will do almost nothing. A tongue scraper is the only foolproof way to go.
  3. Drink plenty of water. Dry mouth just creates a breeding ground for bacteria. You need enough water and saliva to flush them out. Drinking and rinsing with water will immediately improve your breath.

Not only are these tips great for getting rid of bad breath, they’ll also turn into good habits that will do wonders for your oral hygiene. Everybody wins!

What do you do to get rid of bad breath?