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Here's Why You Should Improve Your Posture IMMEDIATELY

Do you stand up straight most of the time? Chances are, the answer is no. But this video may convince you that good posture is way more important than you think.


Do you sit up straight all day, every day at work?

If you said yes, I’m sorry, but you’re probably lying.

It’s okay, we’re all only human. But all that slouching may be worse than you think.

Poor posture is responsible for extra wear-and-tear on your joints and ligaments, reduces the efficiency of your organs, can give you tension headaches and muscle tension in general (think text neck), and can even reduce your lung capacity by up to 30 percent.

Scary, right? And you thought we were just going to say that you’d be slouched over forever.##MN_RESP##

Good posture is no fun at all and it’s difficult to maintain, especially when you’re first starting out. But after a while, you’ll find yourself feeling lighter on your feet and even more confident.

To start out, sit up straight and pull your shoulders back and down. Try to sit with your knees at a right angle and feet flat on the ground, and try to make it so you don’t have to look down at any of your screens.

For more info on the benefits of good posture and how to maintain it, watch this video from TED-Ed.

What's your posture like? Could you stand to improve?

Photo Copyright © 2015 TED-Ed/YouTube