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8 Ways To Look And Feel Radiant With Coconut Oil

8 Ways To Look And Feel Radiant With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can be used for just about anything, so where do you even start? Read more to find out the best ways to use coconut oil for a healthier, more beautiful you.


It seems like coconut oil can really be used for anything these days. But there are so many different uses for it, it’s hard to know where to start, or how to use it effectively!

Luckily, we’re here to help. Here are some of our favorite ways to use coconut oil to keep yourself looking beautiful.

  1. Use it as a moisturizer. No need to cough up $25 for 3 ounces of moisturizer. You can use coconut oil! It fights skin inflammation and locks moisture into your skin.
  2. Use it as a body scrub. Mix coconut oil with coarse sugar or salt for an exfoliating, moisturizing scrub.
  3. Use it as a hair treatment. One of the best and most popular uses of coconut oil is to use it in the shower and work it through your hair from root to tip. When it’s rinsed out, you’ll have moist, shiny hair.
  4. Use it as a lice treatment. Combining coconut oil with apple cider vinegar makes a great lice treatment. Rinse the hair with apple cider vinegar, then coat hair with coconut oil, wrap, and leave overnight. This will make it easy to comb out (now dead) lice eggs without doing any damage to hair.
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  6. Use it as a makeup remover. Because it’s oil, and most makeup removers are oil based, this is a great heavy-duty makeup remover.
  7. Use it to treat foot fungus. Coconut oil’s triglycerides are naturally antifungal, so it’s great for beating that nasty athlete’s foot.
  8. Use it as a body lotion. It can work for all over the body, but especially for rough or dry spots.
  9. Use it in place of toothpaste. Coconut oil mixed with baking soda makes a a great antifungal, antibacterial toothpaste.

Coconut oil is one of those versatile natural ingredients that can work in basically any way you want it to. These are great starting points, but you can do whatever you want with coconut oil!

What's your favorite use for coconut oil?