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Could Milk Be Causing YOUR Acne?

Could Milk Be Causing YOUR Acne?

Maybe you grew up thinking that milk would make you grow up big and strong. That may be true, but what about those skin problems you're always having? Read more to find out if dairy is the culprit!


Milk products, in moderation, can be good for you. Getting the recommended daily dose of dairy can help you get calcium and vitamin D that you need.

But too much dairy can be a source of annoyance for your body. In fact, it’s a huge contributor to acne and other skin problems. But why?

  • It’s full of hormones. Any dairy, including dairy that is organic or doesn’t include added hormones, still has a fair amount of natural hormones in it. This is because all milk, as a rule, has to come from pregnant cows. These hormones, when put in your system, will throw your hormones out of whack too.
  • It’s inflammatory. This is true of any animal-based protein, but dairy proteins in particular, such as whey and casein, are linked to skin problems.
  • It’s difficult to digest. Your skin is an organ, which means it’s part of the digestion process just like any other organ. The toxins that the body can’t digest find their way out through your skin, as inflammation like acne or rashes.
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  • It contains natural sugars. Dairy is naturally high on the glycemic index, meaning that it raises your blood sugar and can increase your insulin resistance. Of course, those are key ingredients to diabetes, but they’re also bad for your skin, since this blood sugar spike could cause a skin allergy.

So what do you do about it?

If you think that dairy may be at the root of your skin problems, it’s pretty simple. Cut dairy out of your diet for a few weeks, and see if your skin problems get any better.

If you do find that dairy is the cause, find other foods that provide the same nutrients as milk, like dark leafy greens, legumes, and nuts.

How do you deal with a nasty breakout? Let us know in the comments!