You know how people do those weird diet challenges as some kind of citizen science experiment to prove how bad some popular American food is for you? Those things like “I drank ONLY McFlurry’s and look what happened to me!” Yeah, we’re not surprised at what happened to you.
But Andrew Hawryluk’s story? I have to say, I’m actually pretty shocked.
Andrew has eaten Chipotle for 156 days (and counting), and he doesn’t plan to stop. And why would he? He weight trains consistently, and he looks and feels incredible. Not only that, but it's only made him like it even more.
That’s right! Andrew did one of those crazy “I only ate at this restaurant” challenges, and instead of destroying him and making him never want to eat there again, he now loves it even more.
This challenge started when he joked to his brother that he would eat Chipotle every day for the 40 days of Lent. He started a blog for the 40 day challenge, called Chipotlife. But what happened when the 40 days were over? As Andrew told Business Insider: “It was so anticlimactic. I decided to see how much longer I could do it.”
Now, he’s just doing it because he likes, it. As he says on his blog: “Chipotle is objectively the best restaurant. I believe the main factors that determine the quality of a restaurant are cost, taste, speed, décor, consistency, ingredients, portion size, and transparency. If you know a restaurant that dominates any or all of these categories as thoroughly as Chipotle does, please let me know.”
Andrew received gift cards from the company for his birthday, and orders meals ahead of time for holidays when the company is closed. So far, he's spent over $1,000 on Chipotle.
His preferred meal? A burrito bowl with white rice, chicken, guacamole, lettuce, and Tabasco sauce. Balanced in protein, carbs, and healthy fats, there are certainly worse meals than the one he gets every day at Chipotle.
So if you want to do a food challenge, this is definitely not your worst option!

What do you think of this guy’s Chipotle challenge? Would you ever try it?
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