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6 Healthy Peach Recipes For Summer!

6 Healthy Peach Recipes For Summer!


Fresh, summer peaches are so flavorful. When you get a bushel, you may be tempted to start rolling out the pie crust. This may because you simply love peach pie, but it also may be because you don’t really have any other ideas about what to do with the peaches. Peaches aren’t just for pie. There are tons of great ways you can use peaches.

Dessert is obviously where peaches shine. So, you can make a pie, but you can also consider mixing up the flavors and pairing peaches with bourbon. Broil them and you have a very tasty and healthy dessert.

You can also add peaches to other dishes. For example, peaches are great in oatmeal. You can also toss some peaches with other fruit for a nice fruit salad. Consider even adding sliced peaches to a regular salad for a sweet addition that won’t add a lot of calories.

For the more adventurous, consider using peaches in a new and exciting way. Paired with brie and hot pepper jelly, peaches help to make an interesting grilled cheese sandwich that is nothing like the ones you used to eat as a child.

Finally, consider drinking your peaches. Peaches and lime can be combined to make some tasty drinks, like peach and lime iced coffee or peach and bourbon limeade.

No matter how many peaches you have, you can find some very exciting ways to use them that will tickle your taste buds. Get creative and don’t always go to your old standby recipes. Peaches are a great summer treat that should be used to their fullest potential.

Video Credit: Carlene Thomas RD via YouTube