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4 Reasons To Have A Dog (It

4 Reasons To Have A Dog (It's Proven It's Good For Your Health!)

Man's best friend isn't just good for companionship. Read more to see why getting a dog may be a great choice for you!


Having a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences anyone can have. You have a constant companion and friend in your dog, someone who you can take care of, and who takes care of you. But having a dog comes with more than just the benefit of friendship.

  1. They’re good for your heart. Studies have shown that dog owners have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and fewer heart attacks than those who don’t own dogs.
  2. They can get you moving. If you’re caring for your dog correctly, they should be getting lots of playtime and several walks per week. This alone should make you more active. In fact, a study done In 2010 found that dog walkers walk on average an hour longer than those without our furry friends!
  3. They make you happier and lower your stress levels. Studies have shown that it only takes 15 minutes of being in your pet’s presence to make you feel more relaxed. Playing with your dog can also raise your dopamine and serotonin levels, which are associated with happiness. As for your stress, some research shows that even seeing your dog before or after a stressful situation could lower your stress significantly. That’s one way to deal with hard times!
  4. They’re great for your social life. Bringing your dog with you, either on social walks, to dog parks, or to pet stores, can help you meet other dog owners or just dog enthusiasts who wish they had dogs. Both you and your dog can get more socialized!

Not only that, but they’re so darn cute!

Read up on what it takes to become a dog owner, and make sure you’re ready to have that responsibility. Then, look into your local shelter, make a visit, and take home your new best friend!

What do you love about dogs?