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Why You Gain Weight During The Summertime, And How To Prevent It

Why You Gain Weight During The Summertime, And How To Prevent It

Does summer for you mean snack temptation and cartons of ice cream? Read more for some tips on how to scale back when your summer eating is getting out of control.


Summertime means a lot of summer-related snacks, including sweet drinks, cold treats, and fried foods. So it’s no secret that you could be gaining weight. Brian Quebbemann, a health expert that spole with Health Magazine, said that there are two easy rules: there’s always a healthy option, and the preparation of the food matters.

But if you can’t keep those in mind all the time, here are some areas that experts say are the most dangerous calorie packers.

  1. Drink water as much as possible. Though it may be tempting to get your sweet tea or lemonade on, those treats can pack on as many calories as a Coke. If you’re tempted, dilute some fruit juice with a 1:1 ratio of water, and you’ll have something sweet without giving up your calories.
  2. Limit the salty snacks. If you’ve got a plate of chips n dip out at a party, it’s a recipe for hundreds of unwanted calories. Either stay away from those potato chips, or opt for something like hummus instead.
  3. Load up on fruit. Whole fruits are one of my favorite summer snacks, especially since summer berries taste so good on their own. So if you’re making a fruit salad, use fresh fruits ONLY. I promise they taste great on their own.
  4. Limit the toppings, and don’t be fooled by “low-fat” fro-yo. If you go for ice cream or frozen yogurt, settle for the smallest size, and scale back on the toppings. Fro-yo often has even more calories than ice cream, and “low-fat” usually just means more sugar or artificial sweetener. Toppings like Oreos or hot fudge just add even more calories that you don’t really need.
  5. Give yourself a break once in a while. Even if you’re trying to scale back this summer, having one normal burger or one ice cream sundae is unlikely to hurt you in the long run. As long as you’re enjoying these in moderation, everything will be fine.

What's your favorite summer indulgence?

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