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These Healthy Snacks Will Conquer Your Nighttime Munchies

These Healthy Snacks Will Conquer Your Nighttime Munchies


There's nothing worse than the munchies when you're close to hitting the hay. This is the time of day that calories really stick, and it can completely sabotage your diet if you succumb to evening binges. On the other hand, going to bed hungry can make it difficult to fall asleep. Learn to curb cravings and even improve your slumber with these eight ideas for healthy bedtime snacks.

1. Have an Apple, Dearie

Full of fiber with a captivating crunch, apples are a naturally healthy choice to help you stay on track. Add a small serving of peanut butter (around a spoonful), since the extra protein will help you to feel full.

2. String Cheese

Coming in at around 80 calories, this little baby packs a punch of protein with enough fat to make you feel full. It also contains tryptophan, which can help to make you feel drowsy.

3. Go Greek

Greek yogurt helps to calm your stomach, provides protein, and also includes tryptophan. Pick a low sugar variety to stay around 100 calories.

4. Let’s Talk Turkey

Two slices of turkey come in under 100 calories and are low in fat. You will get a massive dose of tryptophan along with a generous amount of protein.


5. Carrots, Baby

For a super nutritious and fat-free option, chow down on some baby carrots before bed. They are filling enough to keep you satisfied until you fall asleep, and at an amazing four calories each, they are the perfect option if you have already met your calorie limit for the day.

6. Cereal Eater

Skip the sugary varieties, since they can give you an energy jolt (something you do not need at 11:00 PM) and upset your stomach. Aim for whole grain cereals full of complex carbohydrates and fiber that will fill you up and be easy to digest. Make sure to keep your serving size under 200 calories. Add some milk for protein and tryptophan.

7. Perfect Pudding

Who doesn’t love a pudding cup? A non-fat chocolate variety will curb your craving for something creamy and satisfy your inner chocoholic. At around 90 calories, these snacks will barely put a dent in your diet.

8. It’s Bananas

A banana is a quick and easy snack to grab, leaving you with no messy dishes to clean up before you head off to bed. Bananas are very filling, contain about 100 calories, and also have significant amounts of tryptophan.

Stay in Control

Healthy eating is an essential component in meeting your fitness goals, and watching what you consume will also help you maintain your overall health. Don’t let late night snacking sabotage your diet. Keep several of these snacks on hand in case the late-night munchies attack, and keep yourself on track to a healthier you.