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How to Maximize the Weight-Loss Benefits of Green Tea

How to Maximize the Weight-Loss Benefits of Green Tea


Green tea has taken the health industry by storm. It shows promise in fighting cancer, improving brain function, fighting bacteria, and lowering the risk of diabetes. In addition to these amazing properties, green tea may also assist you in achieving your weight-loss goals. Read on for information that will help you utilize this super food correctly in order to shed those extra pounds.


Research suggests that green tea can boost your metabolism, and studies have shown that people who add this substance to their fitness regimen have lost twice as much weight as those who do not include it in their diet. However, there are many products out there that mention green tea but do not contain the ingredients necessary to produce results. Some of these products advertise green tea as a component but include it only as a flavor. In order to work properly, green tea products should retain levels of epigallocatechin gallate. This is a powerful antioxidant naturally found in green tea.

Flavored Green Tea

Green tea can now be found in several varieties that include added flavors, such as cranberry and pomegranate. What if you prefer added flavor in your green tea? Will it affect the quality and deprive you of the metabolic boost you’re seeking? That depends. As long as the product contains authentic green tea, the addition of flavoring should not make a difference. However, check the ingredient label to make sure there is no added sugar. This could offset the calorie-burning benefits of the substance and add empty calories to your diet.


Better Brands

When it comes to green tea, give yourself permission to be a brand snob. There can be significant differences between one brand and another when it comes to tea leaf quality and added ingredients. Keep an eye out for brands that are free of artificial preservatives, include no added sugar, and contain all natural ingredients.

Iced Tea

If you prefer your green tea in the form of iced tea, will this affect its effectiveness? Unfortunately, the temperature does make a difference. Weight-loss benefits are best achieved when this beverage is served hot. Iced tea can also be diluted with water, which decreases potency. To brew the best cup, pour water over the tea bag right before it begins to boil. Let it steep for several minutes. If you simply cannot tolerate a hot beverage, you can look into purchasing a quality green tea extract that will provide the same benefits.

Here’s to Your Health

If you are looking for something to boost your metabolism and aid you in your quest for health, give green tea a try. Cheers to a healthier, happier you!