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THESE Foods Will Help Relieve Stress AND Slim You Down!

THESE Foods Will Help Relieve Stress AND Slim You Down!


Stress can cause over-eating and weight gain. To counter its impact, there are some foods that may provide relief from this condition, and actually help curb your appetite in the process.


A great source of protein; yogurt is a known fat-burner. It can also aid in satiating hunger. A small study of 36 women completed in 2013 found the probiotics in yogurt may lower activity in areas of the brain that deal with emotion such as stress, so it may have a relaxing effect as well. However, not all yogurt contains probiotics.


Avocados are another highly nutritious option. They contain lots of fiber, heart healthy mono-unsaturated fats, which make you feel full, and vitamin B, a known stress-reliever. This fruit (sometimes confused for a vegetable) also has a satisfying buttery taste and texture. It is also may help lower your cholesterol level.


Oatmeal can help fill you up and may calm you down. It is packed with fiber and assists with serotonin production, which is a mood-elevating compound. Steel-cut and gluten free options may produce greater benefits than more heavily processed ones.



When you are stressed, cortisol and adrenaline levels often increase in the body. Salmon is high in omega-3 acids which are anti-inflammatory and may help to offset the negative effects of these hormones. This fish also has a natural rich taste, which may satisfy cravings for other less healthy foods.


Nuts are high in healthy fats and can assist in reducing cholesterol levels. Eating them in small quantities will keep the calorie count down while also helping to suppress your appetite due to all the fiber they contain.


Raspberries are a healthy, delicious side-dish, snack or a delightful dessert substitute. They contain antioxidants known to lower stress and may help satiate sugar cravings.

Stress is a predictable part of life. These six examples are foods that may provide some relief and reduce your appetite at the same time.