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How To Actually ENJOY Your Time At The Gym. The Secret Is To…

How To Actually ENJOY Your Time At The Gym. The Secret Is To…

Feeling like a slob in a gym full of fitness nuts? Here are some ways you can feel like a pro!


The gym can be a scary place for those who want to get fit, especially when you’re first starting out. You just want to go, put in your 30-40 minutes of cardio and leave, but you can’t help the feeling that you’re being judged by that Olympic-level runner on the treadmill next to you, or that bodybuilder squatting 350 to your left, or even that grandma who’s on mile 5 on the bike.

Here are some ways that you can get above that feeling, and enjoy your workout with focus and confidence.

  1. Make a workout playlist. Music can make a big difference in your attitude when you’re working out. With your headphones on and your music all the way up, it’s much easier to focus on your workout. Pick upbeat songs that get you energized.
  2. Cover your console. It’s easy to look over at other people’s consoles and compare your running speeds and mile time. After you set up your workout, cover the console with a towel so that you don’t know how far you’ve run or how much time you have left. That way, you can’t compare yourself to others.
  3. Pick a focus point. Pick a TV, or a motivational poster, or even just an empty machine. Bring an e-reader, or queue up some music videos on your phone instead of using your playlist. If you’re looking at something else, you’re less likely to focus on those around you.
  4. Keep in mind that everyone has been in your place. Everyone in that gym had to start somewhere. Everyone has felt like people were judging them on how they go about their workout. But chances are, just as you’re too busy with your workout to criticize anyone else, everyone is too busy focusing on their workout to pay attention to you. Everyone has different goals, but you’re all there to get healthy. In the end, your workout is about YOU.

What are some ways that YOU boost your confidence during your workout? Comment and let us know!