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Forget Pain Pills: These Powerful Pressure Points Will Relieve Even Your WORST Headache!

Forget Pain Pills: These Powerful Pressure Points Will Relieve Even Your WORST Headache!

A terrible headache can take over your whole day, but when prescription and OTC drugs aren't cutting it, you might want to try a more natural approach. Read on to see how acupressure can help relieve your headache pain!


A bad headache can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours—even days, if you’re really unlucky.

There are plenty of prescription drugs and OTC medications to help relieve the pain temporarily, but they can be expensive, even ineffective at times.

If you feel like mind-numbing headaches are starting to take over your life, it might be time to try something new.

Acupressure is an alternative medicine approach developed in Tibet shortly after acupuncture became popular.

The idea behind acupressure is that by applying pressure to specific “meridians,” or pressure points, on your body, you can disrupt the flow of energy to those areas and relieve the pain.

Though acupressure is used to treat a slew of different health problems—insomnia, stress relief, back pain, etc.—there are certain points that specifically help relieve headaches.

Though most of these powerful pressure points can be found around your head—like the inside of your eyebrows, the temples, and the base of your skull—you can also apply pressure between your thumb and index finger to relieve pain.

In the video below, acupressure expert Hillary Talbott demonstrates how to find the best pressure points to help relieve even the worst headache.

Depending on where your feel the most pain, Talbott can help you figure out which pressure points should be touched to relieve the discomfort as quickly as possible.

To learn more about the powers of acupressure, check out the video below now!

Video Credit: ehowhealth via YouTube.com

Have you ever tried acupressure before? Let us know in the comments!

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