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5 Natural Hair Loss Remedies That Won

5 Natural Hair Loss Remedies That Won't Break The Bank

If you're fighting hair loss, don't waste your money on "miracle" products that don't work. Instead, try one of these natural remedies!


Is your comb constantly full of your once long, beautiful strands? Hair loss is stressful and confusing, especially for women.

Thick, shiny hair has always been a symbol of health and vitality. Once you start losing those precious locks, it pretty much feels like you’re losing an uphill battle.

You could waste thousands of dollars on styling products, growth treatments, and even extensions, but why would you when there are so many other natural options?

Fight hair loss right at home with a few simple, inexpensive ingredients before you run out and waste money on “miracle” products that don’t work.

Here are 5 natural remedies for hair loss:

  1. Garlic: Rich in sulfur, garlic has the power to increase collagen production in your hair to help it grow long and strong. Here’s how to make this natural hair loss remedy: Crush 3 cloves of garlic, add a bit of coconut oil to turn the mixture into a serum, boil the ingredients, and massage the oil into your scalp after it’s cooled down. Leave the serum on your hair for about 30 minutes and rinse. You should try this twice a week for the best results.
  2. Onion: Like garlic, onion is also very high in sulfur and can help increase collagen production. To create this mixture, chop one onion finely and squeeze out as much juice as you can. Once you have enough juice, apply it to your scalp and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Use a light shampoo to rinse. Try this at least twice a week to promote hair growth.
  3. Hibiscus: Known as the “shoe flower,” hibiscus actually nourishes hair to prevent dandruff, greying, and hair loss. You can create your own paste out of these powerful flowers by mixing crushed hibiscus flowers with sesame or coconut oil. Massage the homemade paste into your scalp and through your hair. Leave it on for as long as you can, up to a few hours. Rinse with cold water using a mild shampoo.
  4. Coconut: There’s really nothing that a little coconut oil can’t do. Packed with essential fats, minerals, and proteins, coconut oil prevents and repairs hair breakage to give you the strongest, silkiest locks you’ve ever seen. Try heating up enough coconut oil to make a serum, massage it through your hair, especially near the scalp, and let it sit for about an hour.  ##MN_RESP##
  5. Egg: Rich in sulfur, selenium, zinc, iodine, and protein, eggs are extremely effective at preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. To make a powerful growth cream, mix egg whites with just a teaspoon of olive oil. Once it turns into a paste, apply the cream to your scalp and comb it through your hair with your fingers. Let it sit on your hair for about 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing with cold water.

Do you have any tips for natural hair growth? Tell us in the comments!