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7 Coffee Alternatives To Boost Your Energy Without Crashing Later

7 Coffee Alternatives To Boost Your Energy Without Crashing Later

Giving up coffee can sound impossible if you don't have an alternative energizing drink in mind. Read on for 7 natural energy-boosting drinks!


If you need coffee to get through the morning—and, maybe, the afternoon—you know how hard it can be to try giving it up.

We all know that drinking too much coffee can make you feel jittery, queasy, and dehydrated, but how many of us have actually given it up for longer than a week?

When you need coffee to feel energized, you can’t just quit cold turkey and pray that you make it through the next three days without it.

Fortunately, The Daily Meal has put together this helpful list of energizing drinks that won’t hit you quite as hard as coffee:

  1. Schizandra Tea: If you want a healthy energy boost without the inevitable crash later, try brewing some of this unique tea made from Schizandra berries in Eastern Asia. It detoxifies the liver and helps promote balanced blood sugar levels, so you won’t experience those annoying caffeine jitters.
  2. Pomegranate Juice: The natural sugars in pomegranate juice are already enough to perk you right up. But, if you want an extra jolt of energy to start the day, try blending this tangy juice with bananas, berries, soy milk, and spirulina for a nutrient-packed breakfast.
  3. Ginseng Tea: If you’re having troubles keeping your mind focused on work this week, do yourself a favor and brew a big cup of ginseng tea. Known for increasing concentration and alertness, ginseng can give your brain the little wake-up call it needs to get through the day.
  4. Matcha Green Tea: Since green tea already contains caffeine, it’s probably the best substitute for coffee out there. But the caffeine content isn’t nearly as high as coffee, so you won’t end up suffering through that mid-afternoon crash like you do with a cup of Joe.
  5. Chai: Rich in antioxidants and flavor-packed spices, this Indian Tea is an excellent choice for those who miss the creamy texture of coffee. With cinnamon, pepper, ginger, and cardamom, chai tea awakens you in an invigorating way that caffeine can’t compete against.
  6. Coconut Water: If you’re looking for an alternative to caffeinated energy drinks, then look no further than coconut water. Packed with electrolytes and minerals, a bottle of coconut water can leave you feeling seriously refreshed and energized for the rest of the day. ##MN_RESP##
  7. Aloe Water: Health experts recommend guzzling down a glass of aloe water in the morning to start the day out with an energized, clear mind. High in a number of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, aloe water can give you a healthy jolt of energy while also protecting your immune system.

Do you know of any other naturally energizing drinks? Let us know in the comments!

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