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Benefits Of Both Hot & Cold Showers That You NEVER Knew

Benefits Of Both Hot & Cold Showers That You NEVER Knew

Showering is an essential part of maintaining a healthy routine, but you could be getting a lot more from your showers just by switching up the temperatures. Read on to learn the benefits of hot and cold showers!


For some people, taking a shower is the most relaxing way to relieve built-up stress at the end of a long day. Others like the rejuvenating feel of a refreshing cold shower to wake up in the morning. A lot of people simply don’t care what their shower feels like as long as they’re clean afterward.

While showering is always going to be an essential part of any healthy routine, it’s important to keep in mind how different temperatures can affect your mood, muscles, skin, and more!

Depending on the day, you might want to reconsider turning the dial up (or down) when you step into the shower.

Here are some of the greatest benefits to take advantage of by opting for a rejuvenating cold shower or a relaxing hot one:

Benefits of a cold shower

  1. Believe it or not, just 2 to 3 minutes of taking a cold shower is recommended to help treat depression, according to some researchers. As far as how cool it really needs to be, you only need to turn the dial down to about 68 degrees. The best part is that you don’t actually need to take a full-blown cold shower. Incorporating a few minutes of cool water into an otherwise hot shower should work just fine.
  2. Next time you’re feeling particularly tired before work, try shocking your body into becoming more alert by making your shower cold for the last 5 minutes or so. This can help relieve fatigue and instantly improve mental sharpness, so you don’t end up walking into the office grumpy and sleepy.
  3. If you want long, shiny hair and healthy looking nails, try taking a quick cold shower. Hot water tends to dry out our skin and hair, so a cold shower every now and then can help rehydrate your body. Start washing your hair with cold water for a week and see if your split ends look a little healthier!  ##MN_RESP##

Benefits of a hot shower

  1. When you have an especially terrible cold, take a soothing hot shower to help moisturize your nasal passages and relieve pesky congestion. If you often feel stuffed up right when your head hits the pillow at night, try taking a nice hot shower just before getting in bed.
  2. Hot showers are always recommended for people suffering from stiff muscles. Running the hot water directly over your sore spots can instantly help your body relax to get rid of all those tight knots.
  3. If you’re running a slight fever, a hot shower may be your best bet to help bring your temperature back down to normal. The heat and steam can quickly help break your fever, as long as it’s not too high.
  4. Feeling stressed or anxious? Well, taking a hot shower has actually been shown to help amp up your oxytocin levels to ease anxiety and make you feel more balanced.

Are you going to start switching up your shower temperatures? Let us know in the comments!

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