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4 Subtle Exercise Mistakes You

4 Subtle Exercise Mistakes You're Probably Making During Every Workout

Even if you never skip a workout, you could be making some serious exercise mistakes every day--without realizing it. Read on to see the most common workout mistakes that even fitness fanatics make!


A truly amazing workout requires a lot more than simply going through the same motions for hours on end.

In fact, just a few wrong moves can completely cancel out all the hard work you think you’re putting in at the gym.

When it comes to slacking off at the gym, you might be phoning it in without even realizing what you’re doing.

Even if you think you’re the poster child of fitness, these subtle exercise mistakes can totally destroy all your hard work:

  1. Resting too long between sets: Unless you’re trying to become a professional bodybuilder, there’s no reason why you should ever be resting for longer than you were lifting. Most of the time, you don’t even need to rest for half as long as your actual workout. Even if you put in extra time at the gym to make up for your rests, you could be taking away from your body’s full calorie burning potential.
  2. Eating too much before working out: Have you ever checked out the nutritional facts on the back of your so-called “protein” bar? Well, most of these snacks should honestly just be called sugar bars. These glorified candy bars contain way too much sugar for your body to handle during a workout. Sure, you may feel energized at the beginning, but by eating one of these bars, you’re setting yourself up for a major sugar crash halfway through your workout. When it comes to fueling before a workout, make sure you’re only eating snacks that will digest properly before you start moving! ##MN_RESP##
  3. Doing the same exercises every week: Your body can adapt to almost anything you throw at it, especially intense exercise. No matter how incredible you think your routine is, your body will always adjust to the changes in a few weeks. That means it will start trying to conserve more energy—a.k.a. calories! The only way to ensure your body is always reaching its full calorie burning potential is to switch up your workouts every 4-6 weeks or so. Challenge your muscles whenever you can with different moves, heavier weights, and intense interval training.
  4. Stretching before working out: You’re always supposed to stretch before working out…right? Well, not exactly. In fact, research shows that static stretching—where you bend and hold—can actually do more harm than good. A recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that young men who tried a few static stretches before squatting diminished their strength by 8 per cent and lower-body stability by 22 per cent. The solution? Dynamic stretching and warm-up moves. Always remember that stretching before a workout is more about warming up your body to prepare and less about actually “stretching” the muscles.

Do you think you make any of these subtle exercise mistakes? Tell us in the comments!

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