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You Have To Give Up These 4 Bad Habits To Lose Weight For Good

You Have To Give Up These 4 Bad Habits To Lose Weight For Good

If you're ready to stop falling victim to fad diets and start keeping the weight off for good, then you have to break a few bad habits first. Keep reading to see what you absolutely must stop doing to lose weight!


Wouldn’t it be great if there was just one perfect diet that helped you lose weight quickly and keep it off for good?

If you’re a serial dieter, you’ve probably tried every fad out there—from the Paleo diet to the Master Cleanse, and even juice-fasting.

As great as these diets might sound in theory, unfortunately, they just don’t work. You may lose a lot of weight in the beginning, but the results will never last.

When it comes to losing weight, healthy eating has to be a lifestyle change. Period. No short-cuts or weird food plans.

If you’re finally ready to see healthy, long-lasting results, you have to break these 4 bad habits first:

  1. Crash Dieting: If you have a big event coming up next weekend—and you already told yourself you’re wearing your favorite pair of skinny jeans—you can probably lose 5 pounds fast by eating nothing but cottage cheese for a week. Sure, you’ll look fabulous by next week, but be prepared for a slower metabolism starting the next day. Extremely strict diets are both unhealthy and unmanageable. Eventually, you’ll cave in and give up on it altogether—and you might even end up gaining back more weight than before.
  2. Banning Foods: Have you ever liked a guy simply because you knew you couldn’t have him? Well, we feel the same kind of all-consuming fixation when we can’t have our favorite foods too! By banning your favorite snack from your diet, you’re pretty much setting yourself up for failure. Not only will you want to eat it more than ever before, but you’ll just end up bingeing on it when you finally cave in. If you know you won’t be able to stop yourself from eating an entire box of cookies once you get your hands on them, then do yourself a favor and just buy one cookie.  ##MN_RESP##
  3. Skimping on Sleep: Sleeping an hour less tonight could result in eating an extra doughnut at your desk tomorrow. When we lose sleep, our hormones and energy levels just go haywire. If you feel exhausted, your body might think an extra sugary snack is just the perfect pick-me-up you need to make it through the day. Seriously, you need 7 to 9 hours of sleep every single night. If you’re having troubles sleeping after a long day, try out one of these relaxing tricks before bed!
  4. Eating Fat-Free Foods: Fat is not making you fat! Good fats help you feel full and satiated. Taking them away will only shock your body into conserving its energy and slow your metabolism—not to mention, you’ll feel hungry all the time! Choosing fat-free foods will lead to crazy cravings later, so you’ll probably just end up overeating anyways. Forget low-fat products for good and snack on whole, filling foods whenever you get the chance.

Which of these bad habits are you guilty of? Tell us in the comments!

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