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The Science Behind Meditation: Does It Actually Work?

The Science Behind Meditation: Does It Actually Work?

You might be surprised by the wide range of benefits meditation offers. Click here to find out more!


Does meditation really work, or is it just a placebo? You might be surprised what science has found.

There have been some incredible hard-to-believe stories about Buddhist monks that would simply meditate throughout surgery--without using any sort of general anesthesia--and feel absolutely no pain.

Sounds crazy, right?

Turns out, science can actually back up some of the health benefits of regular meditation.

Meditating regularly has been shown to decrease feelings of pain, depression, anxiety, and sadness while simultaneously increasing feelings of happiness and positivity. There have even been studies that show regular meditation can increase one's empathy. Sounds like there are nothing but benefits to this simple activity!

And that's just the tip of the iceberg; there are a wide range of benefits of meditation. It's gotten us thinking that we should start meditating more often! Anyone up to change their New Year's resolution?

Check out the video below to learn about more benefits of meditation. You might be surprised what else meditation can do for your health:

Video Credit: AsapSCIENCE/YouTube
What do you think about all this? Let us know if you'll start meditating in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2015 grace.of.yoga/Instagram