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7 Unexpected Sources of Protein

7 Unexpected Sources of Protein

You might be surprised to know there are significant sources of protein right under your nose. Click here to find out what foods pack a real protein punch!


Sure, you know protein is good for your muscles and for maintaining a healthy diet, but do you know how many foods actually contain a significant amount of protein in them?

You also might not know how many grams of protein the average woman (or man) is supposed to eat a day. According to the Dietary Reference Intake, the average sedentary man should be eating roughly 56 grams per day while the average sedentary woman should be eating about 46 grams per day. This is obvious a low number for body builders, those who are working out heavily, or those who are pregnant. But on average, that should be your general goal.

Off the top of your head, do you know if you're getting that much protein? Chances are, you don't. Even more likely? You aren't getting enough protein!

To up your intake without having to eat more meat (which can have a lot of saturated fats that, when consumed too often, is bad for your heart), there are a few foods you can eat that have a surprisingly high amount of protein.

Check out the list below:

1. Avocados.
Sure, avocados have been a popular superfood for a while now because of their high doses of heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. But did you know that you can also get quite a bit of protein from that guacamole? The average avocado contains 10 grams of protein--so load up that burrito bowl!

2. Seaweed.
Sure, all that white rice inside your sushi roll is a carbohydrate overload just waiting to happen. But that deliciously salty nori wrapper really packs a protein punch! There are a lot of different kinds of seaweed out there (and a lot of different ways to eat it) but some have more protein than an egg--now that's surprising!

3. Edamame.
This might not come as a huge shock since edamame's middle name is soy bean, but this deserves a spot on our list. They're jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, and, of course, protein. There's 11 grams of protein per 100g of these little green pods!

4. Pumpkin seeds.
Is it still fall? No, but pumpkin seeds are an amazing source of protein. These little seeds pack 6.5 grams of protein per 100g, and also supply zinc, which equips your body to deal with problems as diverse as PMS, bad skin, and weakened immunity. It's a win-win!

5. Cottage cheese.

Again, this might not be a huge surprise. After all, cheese is made of milk which has protein, so it would make sense that cottage cheese has protein as well. It's important to note, however, that there is a significant amount of protein in cottage cheese specifically. It contains and impressive 11 grams of protein per 100g.

6. Sun dried tomatoes.
Fruit is definitely not everyone's go-to source for protein, but sun dried tomatoes pack a powerful punch that might have you rethinking that notion. In just 100g of sun dried tomatoes, you can have upwards of 14 grams of protein.

7. Greek yogurt.
While it's true that yogurt in general has some protein in it, Greek yogurt is so amazing because it's packed with protein--almost double of what you would find in regular yogurt! It has over 10 grams of protein per 100g, and tastes amazing with berries and honey.

What do you think of this list? What surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments!

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