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Personal Trainer and Stanford University Softball Alum Jess Allen

Personal Trainer and Stanford University Softball Alum Jess Allen

Can you tell us a bitabout yourself and your blog? Im originally from Omaha, Nebraska and consider myself a life long athlete. I was a three sport athlete in high school and went on to to playsoftball at Stanford University.I began my blog in October 2010 after meeting several bloggers in the Pacifi


Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your blog?

I'm originally from Omaha, Nebraska and consider myself a life long athlete. I was a three sport athlete in high school and went on to to play softball at Stanford University.

I began my blog in October 2010 after meeting several bloggers in the Pacific Northwest. I'm so thankful I did! My husband is a college baseball coach so we move often, and I lived in Pullman, Washington at the time, which is very isolated, so the virtual world was a great way for me to connect with other fitness minds and continue learning!

Have you been into fitness your whole life?

I have been active my entire life but it started at an early age with my parents taking my brother and me on daily walks with our dogs. They modeled active living to me at an early age.

What is your workout/training schedule like?

I am a runner first and run 5x/week, but I have been incorporating HIIT (high intensity interval training) into my routine 3-4x/week along with crossfit WOD's (workouts of the day). I can really see a difference in my physique that running alone couldn't change.

What are your top five tips on how to get the results we want in the gym?

1. Diet – you can't out-run or out-exercise poor food choices! So, plan ahead and have healthy meals & snacks ready to go.

2. Sleep – your muscles need time to recover and this is typically the first area busy people cut out of their lives.

3. Be consistently-inconsistent. What I mean by that is consistently get moving, but don't do the same thing every day. Your body is very smart and will adapt quickly and that's when the plateau sets in. Run, spin, lift weight, join a group class. Change it up!

4. Define your goals. I would much rather someone use measurements than the scale. You could be losing inches but remaining the very same weight.

5. Active recovery. You don't have to have a hard workout EVERY day. But, make a rest day an active rest dayby walking your dog, biking, or even cleaning your house!

As a trainer, how do you motivate clients? Do you have any tips you could share on how to stay motivated in a diet and fitness routine?

Every person needs to be “coached” differently. Some need positive encouragement, others need to be challenged. It's important to talk to your clients first and ask them, “What do you need from me to reach your goals and be successful?” Determine check in points too.

Have a vision board or create one on Pinterest of what, where, how you want to be living your life. Make it accessible. Tell someone your goals for accountability. Sign up for a race or event that holds you to your goals.

What are some important foods that you incorporate into your diet on a regular basis?

Protein. For me finding a protein powder that tastes good makes for a convenient fuel source. My favorite is GNC Total Lean 25 French Vanilla.

Veggies! I feel a sense of accomplishment if I can sneak veggies into every meal. Add spinach to egg whites. Cucumbers, sprouts, and peppers to wraps. Snack on celery and nut butters.

I saw a really interesting post about your meals and supplements on an average day, including products from the GNC Genetix HD line. Can you tell us more about those and how you use them?

This post really summed up my typical eats and supplements: How I Dropped Body Fat

The supplements completely enhance my workouts, but don't expect to see physical changes unless you are willing to put in the work! Supplements are not a quick fix, just a tool to help you reach your goals!

What are some of your favorite moves to mix into your workouts?

Any plank or push-up variation is a go-to for me because I'm engaging my core and strengthening my upper body. I tend to lean towards full body moves because I'm working more muscles which equals more calories burned!

What are some of your fitness, nutrition, or overall health challenges and how do you work to overcome them?

Ah, I'm a horrible snacker at night when I'm watching TV! Something I have done to counter this is to eat more meals throughout the day and increase my protein. Then, I brush my teeth to keep cravings at bay. It sometimes helps, but I have a strong sweet tooth!

What does “healthy” mean to you?

Healthy is for life. That means balance in your exercising, living, and eating. I want to be STRONG and active for decades. You have one body, so treat it well!

For more fitness tips and tons of great workouts designed by Jess, visit her blog Blonde Ponytail!