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Meredith:Triathlete & Author of "Triathlon for the Every Woman"

Meredith:Triathlete & Author of "Triathlon for the Every Woman"

Canyou tell us more about yourself and your blog, Swim.Bike.Mom? Two years ago, I woke up and I did...


Can you tell us more about yourself and your blog, Swim.Bike.Mom?

Two years ago, I woke up and I did not recognize the woman in the mirror. I had two kids under the age of two and was working full-time. To say I had "let myself go" would be an understatement. I knew that if I didn't try something new, I would jump off a bridge. I needed more and I heard about triathlon, so I decided: "I will become a triathlete." This was a different move than just deciding to "do" a triathlon - I wanted to become a different person. I wanted to join a group of people where fitness was a lifestyle. So I made a decision and I began writing about it. The blog is about to celebrate its second birthday. It's a huge account of my journey from not being able to run 2 miles to finishing my first half Ironman last year.

What made you decide to become a triathlete and what were your first steps?

In my search for something more, I made my way to a spinning class where I met a person who would change my life forever. The spin instructor and Ironman, Gerry Halphen, taught an amazing class and I have kept moving forward since that day. He is now my coach and I owe alot to him.

What are your top tips for other beginners out there?

Just keep moving forward. Seriously. Take each workout and make the best of it. Just move slowly, move forward, and do not get discouraged. The beginning will be hard - but it never gets "easy" - each workout, no matter how healthy or "in shape" you are is difficult if you are doing it correctly. Never give up. If there is a bad day, chalk it up to one day and do better the next. That alone is the key. Before I found triathlon, I would give up after a week of crash dieting and working out. Now, I am still "fat" but I can run a half marathon or compete in a half Ironman - it's all about being the best ME possible. And I do that by giving each workout my all.

What would you say to someone who has a million excuses of why they could never become a triathlete. What would you say to someone who is doubting themselves?

If you don't believe in yourself, then NO ONE will. No one. My coach says that the biggest limitations in our lives are self-imposed. Get it out of your head and take a bold step: decide to change. Decide to become a triathlete. My book, "Triathlon for the Every Woman", coming out in December, is just about this: making a decision and following through. You can do it. Just believe.

How do you motivate yourself for each race, before and during? Any tips?

I look at race day as a celebration of all the hard work I have done to date. Training is the pain - the race is the reward. I try to always keep a grateful spirit, say "thanks" during the race and remind myself "just keep moving forward" until the finish line is reached. Sometimes when the pain is too great, I just say "when you stop, the pain will stop... but you can't stop yet." Surprisingly, that goes a long way.

What have been some of your all time proudest moments since you began?

Every workout where I push through the voices that say "just stop" or "you can quit." The day I ran 10 miles for the first time was mind-blowing. Of course, crossing the finish line at Ironman 70.3 Miami was the culmination of the hard work I had put in. I am literally proud after every workout - because the "old" me would have never done this. I am thankful.

On the flipside, what has been one of the hardest or most disappointing times in your triathalon journey and how did you overcome it?

The most disappointing time was busting my butt in my driveway on the way to work and breaking my foot in February. I had a 70.3 that was 8 weeks away, and I had to put it on hold. However, breaking my foot was actually a wonderful thing. It taught me to be thankful for my body when it is healthy. It taught me patience and humility. Now, I am sixteen weeks past the broken foot and I am moving forward and up to 8 miles in the run again. If you look at each disappointment as a learning opportunity, you can't go wrong.

How do you find time for all of your training with such a busy schedule?

You. Make. Time. Period. I can't tolerate the statement, "I would be a triathlete, but I don't have time." I have two kids. I work full-time. I have a husband, bills, and stress like anyone else. I make it happen - it's a choice. Sometimes it's 4:30am that I'm making my swim happen. Sometimes it's 10:00pm, but I never give up because of time.

Why do you love triath

alons? What about this sport gives you so much passion and drive?

I love triathlons because I was never a good runner, and I am fat. Triathlons are not "for me," and yet, I can do it. Triathlons will push you beyond what you believe you're capable of- and then you'll find yourself finishing. The rush is amazing! I also like the discipline that triathlon requires. It makes me take care of myself (eat better, drink less beer!) and go to bed earlier.

What does “healthy” mean to you?

Healthy is about choices. I try to eat better. My husband and I are currently on vacation - yet, we have run 10 miles, biked 50 miles and swam 3000 meters in three days. That is a healthy vacation and a good choice. It all boils down to choices. You can choose to be lazy, or you can choose to take small leaps of healthy faith. I find that those leaps make life glorious.

To follow Meredith's journey, read her race reports, and pick up great tips on how you can become a triathlete just like her, visit her blog Swim.Bike.Mom! And for more daily updates and inspiration, follow her on facebook!