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Lindsay from The Lean Green Bean

Lindsay from The Lean Green Bean

When and why did you start your blog, The Lean GreenBean?I started The Lean Green Bean in August of 2010after much urging from my friends and family. I was constantly posting picturesof food I made on Facebook and everyone thought the blog would be a good placeto post recipes and pictures all in one


When and why did you start your blog, The Lean Green Bean?

I started The Lean Green Bean in August of 2010 after much urging from my friends and family. I was constantly posting pictures of food I made on Facebook and everyone thought the blog would be a good place to post recipes and pictures all in one place!

Where does you interest in health, nutrition, and fitness come from?

I’ve always been very active. When I was younger I played almost every sport imaginable. Then as I got older I played competitive volleyball year around. In college I was on the crew team and now that I’ve graduated I stay active by running and doing tabata and interval workouts at home. I used to be world’s pickiest eater. My diet all the way through college consisted mostly of cereal, bagels and macaroni and cheese. My blog has actually played a huge role in helping me expand my tastebuds and has introduced me to lots of new, healthy foods!

Why did you decide to go back to school to become a registered dietitian?

I started thinking about going back to school fairly soon after I graduated with my first bachelor’s degree. I have a BA is psychology and after working for three years I decided I wanted to go back to school for dietetics. I was working at a preschool and had so many kids in my class who were overweight and had never even tried some of the vegetables that I eat every day. They definitely got me thinking about how I could make a difference in their lives, even at such a young age. After doing some research and thinking about it for a while, I took the plunge and started taking classes while working full-time.

I completed the dietetic technician program at the local community college and along the way I decided I wanted to become a registered dietitian . I transferred to Ohio State and just finished up the academic portion of the degree. In August, I start my internship which is the last step before you can take the exam to become an RD.

What is the Foodie Penpal program?

Foodie Penpals is a program I started in August of 2011. I love getting things in the mail and thought it would be cool of I set something up so that people could send each other boxes of foodie treats each month! The first month there were about 30 participants, mostly bloggers that I interacted with daily. From there, the program has grown steadily. It’s open to bloggers and readers and I organize two separate lists, one for US residents and one for Canadians and we currently have over 1000 participants.  I work with another blogger over in the UK who runs the European branch of Foodie Penpals and that branch currently has over 100 participants. I also have a few people from Australia and Asia that I set up to exchange with each other every month. The basic premise is that you’re assigned a match on the 5th of each month. You contact them to ask about food allergies/preferences/likes and dislikes and then mail them a box by the 15th of the month. I encourage US participants to use flat rate boxes to keep shipping costs down. At the end of the month, if you have a blog you write a post about all the goodies you receive and we all publish them on the same day! To sign up, just visit my blog, click the Foodie Penpals tab and fill out the simple form. The thing I love most about the program is that you send a box to one person and receive a box from someone different so you get to meet two new people each month!

As a future dietitian, what are some of your top healthy eating tips?

Eat more plant-based meals. If you eat meat, start making it more of a side dish instead of the main focus of the meal.
Read food labels. If a product contains lots of ingredients you can’t pronounce, you probably don’t want to be putting it in your body.
Learn the correct portion sizes for the different foods you eat.
Focus on eating when you’re hungry, not just because it’s a certain time of day.
Enjoy everything in moderation. Extreme restriction usually hinders healthy eating.

What are your nutrition staples?

Since I don’t eat meat, I get my protein from beans, lentils, yogurt and eggs. For grains, I eat 100% whole wheat bread and tortillas, brown rice and love to experiment with things like quinoa and wheatberries. I drink skim milk, enjoy cheese in moderation and I love plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and a sprinkle of granola. I eat tons of fruits and vegetables. Peaches and strawberries are my favorite fruits and for vegetables, I love sweet potatoes, green beans and red peppers.

What are some BIG nutrition misconceptions that people fall for and what are healthier alternatives?

Just because something is "All-Natural" or "Gluten-free", it’s automatically better for you: Look at the ingredient lists- these foods can still contain lots of unhealthy ingredients.

You can never eat ice cream or other desserts when you’re trying to eat healthy: Enjoying a small treat occasionally may help you stay on track with healthy eating because you’re not totally removing everything you enjoy from your diet.

You don’t need to worry about getting certain vitamins and minerals in your diet because you take a supplement: Look for natural sources of vitamins and minerals found in the foods you eat instead of always relying on a pill.

Don’t believe every single thing you read or hear on the news. Do your research and find out if there is truth behind the claims that are being made.

How do you meal plan and grocery shop?

I get almost all my meal inspiration from the blogs and magazines I read. I bookmark things that interest me and then usually end up putting my own twist on them. I also have a number of go-to meals that I incorporate into my weekly meal plans. I always have the ingredients on hand and they can be made quickly and easily when I’m busy or tired. I also try to focus on things that are on sale and in season when planning my meals. When I grocery shop, I spend the most time in the produce section. From there I work my way around the perimeter of the store and focus on buying fresh ingredients. I try to limit the amount of processed food I buy.

What are some of your favorite healthy snacks?

Some of my favorite healthy snacks include Greek yogurt with fresh fruit, 100% whole-wheat toast with peanut butter and homemade trail mix with lots of nuts and seeds. For pre-workout fuel, I usually grab a piece of fruit or some toast.

What does “healthy” mean to you?

Healthy means living a balanced life. It means focusing on whole foods, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and limiting processed foods. It means being aware of what you’re putting into your body and exercising often, but it also means indulging every once and a while!


To learn more about Lindsay, pick up tons of great nutrition advice and recipes, and sign up for the Foodie Penpal Program, visit Lindsay's blog The Lean Green Bean!