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Woman Trains For Years To Enter A Fitness Competition. After Hitting The Stage, She Realizes The Photographer Did Something Unforgivable

Woman Trains For Years To Enter A Fitness Competition. After Hitting The Stage, She Realizes The Photographer Did Something Unforgivable

Read on to see how this woman handled a body shaming photographer who wouldn't post her fitness competition picture.

Photo Copyright © 2017 Facebook


It’s pretty safe to say that printed media has always had an effect on our body image. Many will say that it’s a negative one, and it’s hard to disagree- even though we all know that the “perfect” models on the covers and within the pages of magazines are airbrushed and photoshopped to look the way that we do, we all start to feel those insecurities creep in when we wonder why we can never manage to look that good.

Today, social media is an even bigger influence. With things like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, people can follow the journeys of more everyday folks as they go through their fitness and weight loss journeys. Something that has become increasingly more popular amongst social media users is fitness competitions. These showcases are an opportunity for those who have worked tirelessly to craft a fit physique through intense diet and exercise.

One woman named Jana Roller entered one of these competitions, and while she may not have looked exactly like every other person on the stage, she couldn’t have been more proud of herself. However, the competition’s photographer said and did something that infuriated her.

After completing the competition, Janna scoured the site’s photo gallery, hoping to see her shots from the stage. But after what felt like an eternity of scrolling, she realized that her photo wasn’t there. Janna decided to ask the photographer what had happened.

“When I asked for it and asked why it wasn't posted in the competitor gallery he sent me it via private message saying that because my physique wasn't as great he decided to error on the side of caution to avoid me asking him to remove it or edit the photo. He assumed I was embarrassed.”

Janna had worked extremely hard to make it to the stage that day. “I worked for 2 years, lost 140lb, went through prep just like everyone else. I stuck to the plan, did hours of cardio, 5 am sessions.” she writes. She admits that she wasn’t “stage lean”, but she knows that she worked just as hard as everyone else there, and she couldn’t believe a photographer thought she would be embarrassed after all that she had done.

“It's a good thing I have thick skin, and I will be working towards getting stage lean. This show wasn't about that. This show was about how far I've come.” she said.

Janna is actually a photographer herself, and she knows personally just how important each individual’s story and journey is. It isn’t just about capturing the perfect photo, it is more about what the photo represents. “Every story deserves to be captured, documented, showcased and respected the same. This is just the beginning for me, and I won't be told that I should be embarrassed of this photo. I'm proud of my lose skin.”

Janna proudly shared the photo that the photographer wouldn’t on her Facebook page, sharing her story, and declaring once and for all that she is nothing but proud of where she is now.

“As someone who has battled body image for years, to stand up there next to beautiful physiques took a lot mentally. I'm so proud of this photo. Not of the photographer who took it.”

Her post was met with an overwhelmingly positive response. Dozens of people commented on how amazing Janna looks, and how impactful her story was on them. With over 14,000 likes and more than 2,500 shares, it’s safe to say that Janna’s story resonated with a lot of people.

It’s inspiring to see someone who truly loves the skin they’re in. What do you think of Janna’s story?