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When Teen Finally Has Enough Of His Mom And Her Boyfriend Fighting, He Takes Matters Into His Own Hands. Now, He’s In Danger.

When Teen Finally Has Enough Of His Mom And Her Boyfriend Fighting, He Takes Matters Into His Own Hands. Now, He’s In Danger.

A 15-year-old teen from Florida was charged with murder after he finally had enough of his mom getting physically abused by her boyfriend. Read on for more details!

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Michael Cole Whidden, 15 years old, was charged with first-degree murder after he fatally shot his mother’s boyfriend on Wednesday, according to The Ledger.

The boyfriend apparently threatened his mom that he would “torment her until she committed suicide.” The whole incident began on Wednesday morning at their home where all three of them lived together.

Jessica Whidden, Michael’s mom, and her boyfriend, Paul Gregg Jr. lived in a home in Mulberry, Florida. Jessica was reported to be not staying at their home for more than a couple of nights due to her arguments with Paul.

When she came home on Tuesday, she was only there to prepare for a dinner with her friends. However, Michael already warned Paul to not incite an argument with his mom.

The two still did fight. Paul accused Jessica of lying. Police confirmed that Jessica has another boyfriend. Jessica left, but then she came back again.

Paul welcomed her with a steak knife from the kitchen and went to the bathroom Jessica was using at that time. Paul alleged screamed threats against her.

Michael, who couldn’t take the arguments any longer, blocked Paul from getting in to the bathroom. According to the teen, Paul was brandishing the knife in front of Jessica. Then, he just walked away.

This triggered Michael to go to his room and grab his 12-gauge shotgun. He pointed the gun at Paul, who was lounging on the couch.

Michael said that Paul stood up and went to the bedroom. There were more guns stored in that room. Michael just took the opportunity and shot him before he got to the closet.

After that, Michael and Jessica went straight to a church and called the police. When he was asked why he did it, Michael said that “he had enough.” Jessica confirmed that Paul was consistently abusive. Michael previously protected his mom from past abusive incidents.

Michael was charged with a first-degree murder. No words yet on whether he’d be tried as a minor or as an adult.

Family members of the Whiddens said that Jessica and Paul were heavy drinkers. The arguments between the two had been very consistent.

Jessica was previously arrested for driving with a suspended license. Paul was arrested before for battery and drunk driving.

Polk County Sheriff Gracy Judd said, “It’s just a red-hot mess. We got a man who was drunk. A girlfriend he’s lived with for five years. We got a kid in the middle of this manure pile, and we're trying to sort it out.”