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If You See This Bug Anywhere Near Your House, Visit A Doctor Right Away

If You See This Bug Anywhere Near Your House, Visit A Doctor Right Away

As if we weren’t already trying to protect our homes from enough pests already, there’s now another bug that we all need to guard against: the kissing bug.


Unfortunately for all of us in the United States, there’s a new pest that we all should be aware of in the coming months: the kissing bug.

First off, don’t be misled by its name. Just because some people know it as the “kissing bug,” it’s also called “assassin bugs,” “conenose bugs,” or even “vampire bugs.” These creatures originate from Asia, Africa, Australia, and southern parts of the US.

In recent months, however, the kissing bug has slowly been making its way north to spread through the entire country.

Here’s why this Is a bad thing.

Over time, kissing bugs have adapted themselves to living in human homes and other vertebrates. They’re not very active during the day, but they come out at night and bite people.

Kissing bug bites end up leaving a parasite underneath the victim’s skin, which can further develop into a condition called Chagas disease. This parasitic disease will first cause the victim to experience flu symptoms which ultimately transform into rashes, aches, swollen glands, and more.

People who have severe cases of Chagas disease may experience stomach pain, constipation, irregular heartrate, and sudden cardiac arrest.

Worried that your house may have a kissing bug infestation?

You can identify kissing bugs as small, dark colored beetles with six legs. They have a pale golden pattern on their backs and look vaguely like a teardrop, with the tip forming their head.

If you end up getting bitten by one of these bugs, go straight to the doctor and get proper medical attention immediately.