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After A Car Crash Leaves Her Incapable Of Walking Down The Aisle, Her Groom Carries Her

After A Car Crash Leaves Her Incapable Of Walking Down The Aisle, Her Groom Carries Her

Just five weeks before Hannah Patterson’s wedding, she got into a tragic car accident that left her temporarily unable to walk. Her dreams of walking down the aisle with her father wouldn’t play out. This is what her groom decided to do instead.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Sarah Grace Photography/Facebook


Hannah Patterson got into a devastating car accident just five weeks before her wedding. She broke her pelvis and several ribs, punctured a kidney, and suffered a concussion.

She knew she’d gotten off lightly – but she had trouble standing and realized that she wouldn’t be able to walk down the aisle at her wedding.

It was a small detail, but one that still made her shed tears at the rehearsal wedding when her weakness became starkly real to her.

“Being in the wheelchair and not able to walk was very upsetting for me on my wedding day, but I had cried at the rehearsal so I didn’t cry on the [actual] day,” Hannah later recalled.

Her groom, Stuart Patterson, did everything he could to best support Hannah through her recovery and the ceremony.

Hannah said, “Stuart slept in the chair next to me in hospital every night holding my hand. Stuart has never left my side during all of this. I know it has been hard on him to see me like this but he was strong for both of us.”

And indeed, Stuart provided Hannah with his mental, emotional, and physical strength to get through all of this.

On the day of the wedding, after Hannah’s father pushed her halfway down the aisle, Stuart carried Hannah the rest of the way in his arms.

At the altar, Hannah managed to stand for the vows by leaning much of her weight on Stuart for support. Her goal for the day was to not look pained, and even she had to admit, “It doesn’t seem obvious in the pictures and video the pain I was in.”

Now that the big day is over, Hannah has returned to her home, husband Stuart in tow, and continues to “do better” each day. We’re all wishing Hannah and Stuart a wonderful life together, and the former a quick and full recovery.