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Her Skin Grows So Fast, She Sheds It Every Four Hours

Her Skin Grows So Fast, She Sheds It Every Four Hours

When Harper Foy was born, her skin tissue had already built up to the point where it blocked the circulation leading to her hands and feet. Doctors were able to save her, but they aren’t sure how long she has to live.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Caters News Agency


Harper Foy is one of the youngest people in the world to be diagnosed with the skin condition, harlequin ichthyosis, where the skin grows about ten times faster than that of an average person.

For Harper, this meant that her skin had already built up to an incredible amount when she was still in her mother’s womb. At her birth, her skin had already stopped the circulation from properly reaching her hands and feet.


The doctors immediately rushed her into emergency surgery, where they were able to save the her hands and feed after removing the skin build-up. Although Harper’s life was saved, the doctors weren’t certain about her future.

Since her birth, Harper has required the attention of a nutritionist to provide her with the appropriate care and support, and doctors have struggled to help her overcome several infections. Harper’s skin grows at such a rate that she sheds her skin every four hours, and she requires constant hydration to stay comfortable.

Even her parents know, “It’s a miracle she’s alive. We had no idea she had the condition until she was born, we were so shocked.”

Thankfully, Harper’s health has since been stabilized. She is no longer struggling with infections and can now return home to be with her family just before her first birthday. Her parents are now hoping to raise money to buy a special bathtub that uses micro-bubbles to soothe the skin with oxygen that will help support her skin condition.


Although Harper’s condition is more stable now, her parents are still quite concerned about her future.

“I fear for her when she’s older, you know, not looking like a normal kid,” her mom has admitted. “She's going to have problem with her eyes and mobility. She will never be able play contact sports but that's the most part.”

The Foy family is trying to take each day as it comes, now just looking forward to celebrating Harper’s first birthday with a new bathtub.