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A 102-Year-Old Woman

A 102-Year-Old Woman's Secret To Long Life: Beer

Millie Bowers will be celebrating her 103rd birthday soon. Her secret to long life? Have a beer every day at 4 o’clock.

Photo Copyright © 2016 Live 5 News


In Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, Millicent Bowers – known as “Millie” to her friends – will soon be celebrating her 103rd birthday. Bowers has lived through the Great Depression and even outlived two husbands.

When asked about her secret to long life, Bowers admitted that much of it came down to her good genes. “I feel okay because I’m in good health,” she explained.

Bowers doesn’t just have good physical health; her mind is still as active as it’s always been.

“My mind is good. I have no problem with that and that’s the big thing that a lot of people my age don’t have,” she said.

Bowers recently gathered some of her friends together to celebrate her birthday a few weeks early, in her favorite way possible: with a beer.

She doesn’t just enjoy drinking beer on special occasions though. According to Bowers, it’s doctor’s orders for her to have a beer each day.

And indeed, every day at 4 o’clock, Bowers sits down at her assisted living facility to enjoy a pint.

Her nurses at the facility were initially concerned, but her doctor immediately gave his approval.

Bowers does advise other seniors to follow her advice and drink a beer each day – but only if they like it. “Look, there are people who don’t like coffee and people who don’t like tea, but I want everyone to drink what they like.”

For a full interview with Millie, watch the following video:

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