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You May Be Using This CANCER Causing Household Product…

You May Be Using This CANCER Causing Household Product…

Recent studies show that a chemical found in this common household item can encourage the development of cancer. Find out if you’re putting yourself at risk.


A study published in Chemical Research Study in Toxicology revealed that Triclosan, a chemical often used in US cleaning products like laundry detergent, deodorant, hand sanitizers, and most notably, Colgate toothpaste, can encourage the development of cancer cells.

This isn’t the first time scientists have discovered this correlation. In fact, the Canadian Medical Association has already placed a pan on any products containing Triclosan.

Colgate continues to insist that their products and Triclosan are safe to use, and even cited the FDA approval process that allowed them to use this chemical.

After a lawsuit was filed over a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, however, it was revealed that the scientific findings that Colgate used to convince the FDA of Triclosan’s safety were tenuous at best, and kept hidden from public access.

In spite of the significant evidence encouraging us to discontinue use of these products, no notable steps have been taken in this direction. The decision of whether or not to continue using Colgate products depends solely on yourself.

As for the chemical Triclosan – it not only encourages cancer cell growth, but it can travel through human skin and interfere with the body’s hormone functions. A study conducted by Environmental Health Perspectives also revealed that using Triclosan can cause it to be present in urine, suggesting that the chemical permeates and lingers in the body after use.

If you’re still using Colgate toothpaste, even though it’s still legally allowed on market shelves, maybe it’s time to switch up your brand, just in case…