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Doctors Weigh In – You Won

Doctors Weigh In – You Won't Be Able To Get Rid Of This Problem Unless You Do THIS

It’s natural for everyone to set fitness, body, and weight goals. According to doctors, however, you’ll always be setting yourself up for disappointment if you create this goal for yourself.

Photo Copyright © 2016 kristins_spa_room


This just in – it’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever be able to completely get rid of the fat making up your double chin.

Mathew M. Avram, M.D., director of Massachusetts General Hospital’s Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center says that a person’s dietary, exercise, and lifestyle habits can all be to blame for the extra flesh under our chins. Unfortunately, “there are just some people who, for whatever reason, accumulate more fat there even if they are thin otherwise. And that’s probability determined by genetics.”

Even for those of us without the hereditary influence, the double chin problem isn’t one that can be solved with regimented healthy eating or exercise. This region of the body is also incredibly resistant to exercise, as compared to other parts of the body.

You don’t have to despair over your misfortunes quite yet though. While traditional exercise and health practices can’t help you get rid of your double chin, a new medical procedure might still be able to save your skin.

If you’re interested in melting some of the fat off your chin, you can look into getting an injection of Kybella. Kybella is actually a naturally-occurring substance that can be found in the body. It’s originally known as deoxycholic acid and it works to dissolve fat permanently.

The medical injection of Kybella, however, isn’t as natural. During the injection, your fat cells will burst open, causing an initial, inflammatory reaction to occur following the procedure. Although this reaction does fade away, you will generally need anywhere between two and three injections to see a noticeable difference in your double chin.

This procedure also comes with a pretty sizable price tag: Each session ranges from $3,000 to $6,000.

Maybe you can reconsider how much your double chin is bothering you before you sign up for this procedure.