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She Wanted To Lose Weight FAST, So She Cut Out Carbs. But Then, She Found Out…

She Wanted To Lose Weight FAST, So She Cut Out Carbs. But Then, She Found Out…

If you’re trying to eat better, you may default to old beliefs passed down to you by people around you. They’re not always true, and they may be holding you back. Read on to learn more!


If you’re trying to eat better, you may default to old beliefs passed down to you by people around you. They’re not always true, and they may be holding you back.

Nutrition is an ever-changing science, and belief on what’s best for your body is always being updated as new research is being done. So here are some things that have been changing recently.

  1. White meat is no better than dark meat. Dark meat is only dark because it’s rich in myoglobin, which gives oxygen to working muscles. It’s so rich in the legs and thighs because chickens and turkeys don’t fly, meaning their muscles are all in their legs. Dark meat only has 2 extra grams of fat per three ounces, and it has more zinc and iron than white meat (that’s a good thing!). So you don’t have to say no to that tasty chicken drumstick.
  2. Carbs are not the enemy of fat loss. On the contrary, you need them to do just that. During high intensity workouts, your body uses carbs to burn calories and stimulate muscle growth. If you’re a lifter, carbs and protein are both great for repairing muscles. The trick is to eat the healthy ones, not the junk food.
  3. Saturated fat isn’t the enemy either. Eating saturated fat in moderation is harmless. Saturated fat does not appear to build up plaque in the arteries the way we used to think it did. Trans fats are the real problem. Getting 10% of your daily calories from saturated fats in dairy, meat products, and dark chocolate is just fine. Otherwise, stick to your healthy fats.

Go forth! Eat your chicken legs and potatoes and dark chocolate. There’s really no harm done.