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How Your DIET Can Influence Your Complexion

How Your DIET Can Influence Your Complexion

Is it your nightly glass of wine or your morning latte that's making your skin look sallow? Find out!

Photo Copyright © 2015 Daily Mail


You know you get flushed cheeks when you have one too many glasses of wine, but you can’t seem to find out what’s causing those dark circles and breakouts.

Well this naturopathic doctor, Nigma Talib, has the answer: it’s all in your diet.

“The second a patient walks into my clinic,” she says, “I can immediately tell the sorts of foods they tend to overeat just by checking the way their face is aging.”

So what does she have to say about your skin problems? Well, she has four main classifications: wine face, dairy face, sugar face, and gluten face. Which one is you?

Wine face: this face is characterized by pronounced lines and redness between the eyes, droopy eyelids, red cheeks and nose, dehydrated skin, and deep wrinkles around the mouth. This face is seen when women drink a glass or two of wine per week, but it really applies to any regular alcohol drinker. This is because alcohol dehydrates the skin, while most alcoholic drinks are high in sugar, causing the droopiness in the eyelids. Alcohol also inhibits your body’s anti-inflammatory processes, making your skin red and irritated. Talib suggests taking a break from alcohol for a few weeks, and returning to a one to two drinks per week policy.

Sugar face: This face is characterized by lines on the forehead, sagging under the eyes, dull skin, and blemishes all over the face. This is because sugar is sucking the collagen from your skin, making your skin weaker and thinner. The paleness of the skin is caused by the increase in the stress hormone cortisol. If you’re really overdosing on sugar, your eyebrows may see the effects, too, as they’ll become thinner. Cut back on sugar, gradually weaning yourself off of it, to reverse these effects.

Dairy face: This is shown through swollen eyelids, bags under the eyes, and blemishes on the chin. This could be because you’re slightly intolerant to dairy without realizing it. If you get burping and slight nausea after drinking milk or eating dairy, this is a sure sign. Dairy also messes with your hormones, which is what causes the blemishes.

Gluten face: This face is characterized by puffy red cheeks and pigmentation around the chin. This is a reaction caused by gluten intolerance or celiac disease. The puffiness comes from the inflammatory response, and the skin pigmentation is caused by the imbalance in hormones. Talk to your doctor if you think you may have celiac disease, and try cutting gluten in the meantime.