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The WRONG Reason Everyone Thinks Coffee Is Unhealthy

The WRONG Reason Everyone Thinks Coffee Is Unhealthy

Did anyone tell you that coffee is unhealthy? If they did, this was probably their reasoning.


There’s a lot of weird stigma surrounding coffee, and not a lot of it is justified. The reason that a lot of people avoid coffee is not actually a very good one.

A while ago, coffee was shown to cause high blood pressure, and before long people connected coffee consumption to hypertension, which is chronic high blood pressure.

But that connection is simply not adequately backed up.

While coffee does spike blood pressure (it’s what makes you feel so wired), it’s only temporary. Not only that, but this blood pressure spike only really takes place in those who don’t already drink coffee regularly. And that’s not even the end of the good news.

Coffee not only doesn’t increase your risk for hypertension down the road, it actually might lower it.

Recent research shows the frequent coffee drinkers (up to 4-5 cups per day) actually end up with a lower risk for hypertension than those who don’t drink coffee (as long as you’re not also a smoker, of course).

Why is this? Coffee is actually full of potassium, magnesium, and certain antioxidants, all of which are known for lowering blood pressure. Coffee can even reduce your risk of other serious diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, kidney stones, diabetes, and even some cancers.

As far as addictions go, coffee continues to be the one that looks the safest.

Of course, if you’re a coffee drinker who likes to drink your coffee loaded with sugar and creamer, it may be dubious whether or not the pros of coffee outweigh the cons. Always be on the lookout for ways to enjoy your coffee without the fat and calorie spike.