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If This Sounds Like You, STAY AWAY From Ginger!

If This Sounds Like You, STAY AWAY From Ginger!

Just because one food is healthy for most doesn't mean it's healthy for everyone. Find out if you're one of the people who should be avoiding ginger.


Ginger is a common food with lots of health benefits.

It has a variety of strengths and uses, including, but not limited to:

  • Bowel disorders and gas relief,
  • Reducing joint and muscle pain
  • Protecting your liver and stomach
  • Relieving heartburn
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Helping with headache and menstrual cramps

But if you’re in certain groups of people, it may be more useful to lay off ginger. Some of the consequences of it may be dangerous or just unpleasant to you.

If you’re underweight…It may be best to avoid ginger due to its appetite suppressant. This is especially true if you’re trying to gain weight, as ginger will only discourage you from eating.

If you have a blood disorder…ginger could be disastrous. Ginger stimulates blood flow, but those taking medications for hemophilia could be in danger. Ginger could nullify the effect of the medication entirely.

If you take other medications…check with your doctor before eating ginger. Ginger could affect the way the drugs take effect, especially if you’re taking anticoagulants, beta-blockers, or insulin-based drugs. Ginger could kill the effects these drugs have. Talk to your doctor if you’re worried about this.

If you’re pregnant…ginger has lots of powerful stimulating elements, meaning that if you eat too much of it, it could cause premature contractions. These premature contractions are dangerous and could, in extreme cases, lead to pre-term labor.

Of course, this is still on a case-by-case basis. For some, eating ginger occasionally won’t cause any complications, and for some it will. Talk to your doctor if you’re concerned that any of these may apply to you.