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The REAL Reason You Feel Bloated And What To Do To Fix It

The REAL Reason You Feel Bloated And What To Do To Fix It

When you feel bloated, it is likely that other problems are happening in your body. Here are eight common reasons for this problem and ideas to combat it.


There are few things more annoying than feeling bloated. When you feel bloated, it is likely that other problems are happening in your body. Here are eight common reasons for this problem and ideas to combat it.

1 – Food Intolerance

While you may not have allergies, your body may be intolerant to specific foods. Instead of reactions like swelling or itching, you might experience inflammation. This is particularly common in the intestinal area. You can take a blood test to identify food intolerances.

2 – Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten is a common substance that the body struggles to digest. People with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease can easily become bloated. If you think you have this problem, get a blood test. You can also cut out gluten from your diet to see if you notice a difference.

3 – Intestinal Yeast Overgrowth

Intestinal yeast overgrowth is one common reason people get bloated. This problem is usually a result of long-term or frequent use of antibiotics. You can address the problem with a yeast cleanse or intestinal flora.

4 – Combining the Wrong Foods

Sometimes the foods you eat together can easily cause bloating. In general, it is better to eat fruits alone. Avoid combining them with protein to minimize the bloating.

5 – Insulin Resistance

If you are insulin resistant, your body may be secreting more insulin than necessary. This can increase the levels of glucose in your body, creating bloating and weight gain. This is a serious problem that should be addressed with the help of a medical professional.

6 – Random Meal Times

People who eat their meals at random times during the day are more likely to experience bloating. It is better to eat every few hours. This will help you avoid shocking your digestive system.

7 – Bacteria or Parasites

Bacteria or parasites can build up in the digestive tract, causing stomach discomfort and bloating. This problem is more common with people who have traveled outside of the country, and it usually causes weight loss, diarrhea, and fatigue. Doctors will perform tests to identify the exact problem. Then, they will medicate you accordingly.

8 – Digestive Enzyme Deficiency

Bloating can also occur if your body does not produce enough digestive enzymes. When this happens, it is more difficult for your body to break down food. You can take digestive enzymes with food for a temporary fix, but should seek to determine the reasoning for the imbalance.

If you understand the reasons you are bloating, it is easier to fix the problem. Make some changes today for improved digestive health.


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