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5 Incredible Home Remedies For Your Cracked Heels

5 Incredible Home Remedies For Your Cracked Heels

Try one of these five options the next time your heels crack!


Cracked heels are unsightly and sometimes a turn off. Unfortunately, traditional lotions are not always effective at preventing or rectifying the cracks on your heels. Many people get regular pedicures to fix the calluses on their feet. What if you cannot afford this luxury? Luckily, there are simple at-home remedies that effectively combat this problem. Try one of these five options the next time your heels crack.

1 - Natural Oil Exfoliant

Most people get cracked heels because they have severely dry skin. It can be tempting to use harsh cosmetic products to rectify this problem. Usually, it is better to treat the problem with a natural exfoliant. Try mixing the following ingredients:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Honey
  • Rice flour

Mix these ingredients so you get a thicker paste. If the cracks are deep, you can soak your feet in sweet almond oil or olive oil while massaging your feet with the mixture.

2 - Foot Soak

To prevent or minimize the cracks in your feet when they first appear, you can try soaking your feet in a natural mixture. Fill a bowl with warm water. Then add lemon juice, rose water, salt, and glycerin. Soak your feet in the mixture for approximately 15 minutes. Then, scrub the dead skin from your feet.

3 - Oil Massage

When your feet are overly dry, oil is often one of the best remedies. You can use any of the following oils to hydrate the feet and minimize possible cracking:

  • Coconut oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Vegetable oil

Massage your feet for five minutes before bedtime. Instead of washing off the oil, put socks on. Repeat this massage for a few days. Soon, your cracks will disappear.

4 - Wax and Mustard Oil

If other remedies fail, try creating a mustard oil and wax mixture. You can melt wax from one of your old candles. Once you have the wax, mix it with the mustard oil to create a unique paste. You can apply this paste on the cracks of your heels and place it in the deep crevices. Some people even sleep with the paste on their feet. It is very effective at smoothing the feet.

5 - Mashed Fruit

One of the easiest remedies for cracked heels is mashed fruit. You can mash a banana, avocado, or coconut. Then, apply the mixture to your feet and let it sit for 15 minutes. Your feet will be instantly smoother.

You don’t have to live with the cracks on your heels. Instead, try one of these effective remedies for smoother, happier feet.


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