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Teen Who Was Drinking Green Tea To Lose Weight Turns YELLOW And...

Teen Who Was Drinking Green Tea To Lose Weight Turns YELLOW And...

It may have helped her lose weight, but find out what else it did!


This story just goes to show that there’s always such a thing as too much of a good thing.

This teen was just trying to do what all of us have tried occasionally. She was drinking green tea to help her lose weight.

But when she went to her doctor complaining of dizziness, nausea, and stomach and joint pains, the last thing she expected to be the culprit was her green tea habit.

Not even her doctor expected it. He diagnosed it as a UTI, and sent her home with the appropriate antibiotics.

But her symptoms just got worse.

Then, her skin and the whites of her eyes began to turn yellow. She was suffering from jaundice.

Doctors at this point thought she was suffering from hepatitis, and that it was taking its toll on her liver. They asked her if she was drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, but the girl denied doing so. She hadn’t even taken over the counter painkillers or illegal drugs.

After ruling out all of this, as well as letting them know she hadn’t traveled abroad or had a blood transfusion, they found one thing out of place.

She’d ordered green tea from China that was supposed to aid her with weight loss. She’d been drinking an average of three cups per day.

Doctors told her to stop drinking it. After she stopped and received treatment through a drip, the swelling in her lover went down.

The culprit was found to be Camellia sinensis, which the girl had a reaction to. Many people have a reaction to this ingredient, and to green tea. Green tea is often linked to liver damage and has, on occasion, been linked to severe liver failure.

But those who worked on this case wanted the public to know that most green tea is perfectly safe. But take extra care that your green tea doesn’t have any strange additives that you’re not aware of.