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See What Your Blood Type Says About Your...

See What Your Blood Type Says About Your...

Discover what your blood type says about your personality!


Thanks to social media, there are a plethora of personality quizzes based on various traits, behaviors, and pop culture. You probably haven’t taken one based on your blood type, though. Yet many people believe that blood type and personality are connected. It was first a German idea presented in 1901. It was adopted by a Japanese professor in 1927 but proven false. A lawyer with no medical background or scientific evidence successfully revived the theory in 1971, and it has remained popular in Japanese culture ever since. Blood type is seen as being as relevant information as your age and is even considered in dating and employment. Perhaps there is more to learn about yourself from your blood type than you think.

A Little Biology Lesson First

Before you examine your character, it’s important to understand basic hematology. The four blood groups are O, A, B, and AB. They are determined by the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of a person’s red blood cells. The negative or positive sign added after the letter signifies whether or not another antigen, the Rh factor, is also there. The letter and sign you have determine to whom you can donate blood and from whom you can receive blood so that the body doesn’t identify it as a foreign substance and attack it.

Blood type is a genetic trait, meaning you inherit it from your parents. The most common is O positive, whereas AB—both positive and negative—is the rarest. Some are more prominent in certain ethnicities. For example, O is very common among Hispanics.

Blood Type O Personality

You are intuitive and daring. You have great focus and self-reliance. These qualities make you one who stands out as a leader or one who hides as a loner. You also have a strong immune system, which lengthens your life. You feel better after vigorous physical activity that gets your blood pumping.

Blood Type A Personality

You are most likely a very emotional person. You can express it in various ways: passion, sensitivity, tenseness, impatience, cleverness. You try to cooperate with others and therefore tend to hold in your anxiety. Stress is not good for you and can weaken your immune system faster than those of other blood types. On the bright side, you are very intelligent and do well in research, discovery, and invention.

Blood Type B Personality

You have a well-balanced personality. You are empathetic and considerate like type A’s, avoiding confrontation and trying to understand the point of view of others. You are also ambitious like type O’s. This flexibility of character allows you to adapt and make friends easily.

Blood Type AB Personality

The rarity of your type is reflected in your unique and wild personality. You are charming, popular, and laid back, even to the point of being flaky. You gravitate toward the spiritual and exciting. Life is never dull with you around. You don’t like to be confined by labels or rules, so you often do your own thing instead. However, even though you are active and strong, you don’t handle stress well, just like type A’s.

Other Ways Your Blood Type Affects You

Besides influencing your nature, your blood type may also determine the lifestyle you should adopt. There are diets and exercise regimens recommended as best for each group. There are also certain diseases you may be more prone to having. Managing your life according to this information can improve your health.

The Accuracy of This Factor

For now, the thought of disposition and blood type being linked together is just a theory. Only preliminary research has been done, with the rest of the evidence being based on personal observation and experience. Only you can decide how accurate your blood type is in reflecting your temperament and the lifestyle choices you should make.