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You Won't Believe HOW MUCH Your Eye Color Says About Your...

Do you ever wonder what your eye color says about your personality? Find out if yours is accurate!


There’s been a lot of research recently that says that your eye color can tell you about your risk for certain diseases, as well as whether or not you’re more inclined to addiction.

But did you know your eye color can also say a lot about your personality?

Some scientists swear that eye color can tell you a lot more about your brain function than you think.

As someone with green eyes, I was shocked to find that mine was actually really accurate!

What’s your eye color?

If your eyes are green… You probably come off as very attractive to the people around you. Your eyes have a good amount of melanin. Having a lot of melanin is associated with dominance, while less melanin is associated with caution. Since you’re right in the middle, you’re a balance of both. You’re probably extremely creative, and you’re great at handling things on your own.

If your eyes are blue… You’re a strong person, inside and out. However, you probably come off as shy. However, you’d like to think of it as cautious, or inquisitive. Don’t let other people judge you based on your timid appearance. You’re one of the strongest people out there.   ##MN_RESP##

If your eyes are hazel… Hazel is an eye color that contains a bunch of eye colors. People with hazel eyes often have eyes that shift between two different colors, like hazel and green, or irises with two or more colors in them, like a green inner iris with a blue or brown ring around it. Because there’s so much variation, it’s hard to pin down a general personality type. So congratulations! You’re not one to let a label define you.

If your eyes are brown… People with brown eyes tend to have more melanin than people with other eye colors, meaning they’re more confident and assertive. They’re also gentle and respectful people. Brown-eyed people are often looked to for confidence. They also have a harder time sleeping than a lot of other eye colors.

If your eyes are dark brown/black… you have one of the rarest eye colors! People with very dark eyes are seen as leaders by everyone around them. You have the most melanin in your eyes of any of the eye colors, meaning that your brain is quicker and you’re probably pretty good with hand/eye coordination. Put all of these together, and you’ll be a great leader, if you aren’t one already!

How accurate were YOUR results? Let us know!