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THIS Is What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Caffeine

THIS Is What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Caffeine

Thinking about ditching that coffee habit? Here's what to expect.


If you’re a responsible drinker of caffeine, you can get its health benefits—like improved memory and its waking-up powers.

But if you’re like a lot of people, and caffeine has become a source of anxiety, quick crashes, and more and more sugary drinks to sustain your habit, it may be time to quit. If you’re ready to make the leap, here’s what to expect.

  1. You’ll get withdrawals. Sorry, but it’s true. Headaches, fatigue, and mood swings are just some of the things you can expect from quitting caffeine. But not to worry, you should be fine in under two weeks!
  2. You’ll digest better. Ever hear of “coffee poops”? They’re very real. Without coffee, you’ll cut back on that accelerated digestive process, making your tummy much happier.
  3. You’ll chill out. Caffeine stimulates your nervous system, which is what causes anxiety in a lot of coffee drinkers. It also constricts your blood vessels and raises your blood pressure, which can fill you with nervous energy. Without it, you’ll calm down.
  4. You’ll lose weight. Unless you’re completely devoted to black coffee (if you are, good for you), you’re probably drinking tons of calories without realizing it. Frapuccinos and mochas are common culprits, but even when you add cream (or milk) and sugar, you could be adding up to 200 calories.   ##MN_RESP##
  5. Either that, or you’ll gain weight. Caffeine is great at suppressing your appetite, so when you stop drinking coffee, you’ll probably end up hungrier. If you’re a black coffee enthusiast, you may actually be losing weight by drinking the stuff—black coffee often burns more calories than it contains. Quit the stuff and you may gain those calories back.
  6. You’ll lose a big source of antioxidants. Coffee is where most Americans get their antioxidants. One study found that women who drink 5 or more cups of coffee per day (kind of a lot, if you think about it) are 57% less likely to develop breast cancer than those who don’t drink coffee. That’s nothing to sneeze at! So if you want to replace your antioxidants, try adding more fruits and veggies to your diet.

Are you thinking of quitting caffeine?

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