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Will Eating Before Bed ACTUALLY Make You Fat? This Video Answers The Question Once And For All...

Will Eating Before Bed ACTUALLY Make You Fat? This Video Answers The Question Once And For All...

The question has been asked over and over again, but this blogger finally has the answer! Watch to find out what it is!


Have you ever been told that eating at night WILL make you fat?

This belief comes from popular research from the past decade or so. Some research found that individuals who snacked at night often had a higher BMI than those people who don’t eat after dinner.

There have been all kinds of attempts to explain this phenomenon, most of them centering around metabolism slowing down at night or insulin levels being higher.

But even though eating at night may do some damage to your sleeping patterns, it’s hard to say if eating at night is really going to be the thing that tips the scales into weight gain.

As for insulin levels, they may be higher at night than in the morning, but they’re also higher in the middle of the day than they are in the morning.

Eating carbs at night is often called out as a culprit for weight loss, too. But is there really any truth to that? The science behind it is pretty disputable.

Luckily, this video breaks down all of these health beliefs and more. Watch it to find out if eating at night will really make you fat!

What do you think of this guy's take on eating at night?

Photo Copyright © 2015 Picture Fit/YouTube